Thursday, 13 October 2016

“I Would Love To Live In A Country Where…” perfectly encapsulates the 2016 election

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Ijeoma Oluo’s latest for The Establishment is one of the best, most empathetic pieces I have read on this election. Here's an excerpt:

I would really love it if I lived in a country where bragging about sexually assaulting women on tape would disqualify you from the presidency.

I would really love it if I lived in a country where being an unapologetic White Supremacist would disqualify you from the presidency.

I would love it if almost 50% of the country weren’t currently openly supporting placing hate in the highest office of our land.

I would love it if we could talk about Trump without someone mentioning Bill Clinton, as if it’s not fair that we’d elect one rapist and not another.

I would really love it if Hillary had believed women.

I would really love it if people didn’t call the women who support bad men “even worse” than the bad men who are choosing with their own free will to commit bad deeds.

I would really love it if I never heard someone say “boys will be boys” ever again.

You can read Oluo’s full piece over on The Establishment.

[Imagine via]


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