Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Alex Jones deletes video promoting "Pizzagate" conspiracy theory


Unpleasant logorrheic Alex Jones removed one of his videos in which he claimed "Pizzagate is real," and that “it needs to be investigated” soon one of his fans went to Comet Ping Pong and fired his gun in the restaurant. Media Matters recovered it.

He has since removed the video. According to the Internet Archive, the “Down The #Pizzagate Rabbit Hole” video was online as of December 6 but “removed by the user” by December 7. A tweet by Jones promoting the video is still online; it captures roughly 10 minutes of the video and links to the removed YouTube page. Non-Jones YouTube accounts have re-uploaded the “Down The #Pizzagate Rabbit Hole - Warning! Soul Sucking Info.” The video is roughly 30 minutes long.

Jones also removed the Jon Bowne video that Jones played during his November 27 program. On November 23, Jones’ YouTube channel posted the video with the headline “Pizzagate Is Real: Something Is Going On, But What?” The video was removed “by the user” shortly after the shooting, according to the Internet Archive.

Jones posted a December 15 video in which he lied about his prior promotions of the pizzagate conspiracy theory. He claimed that he actually said there’s “probably nothing going on there” and his lawyers reviewed his coverage and found that he’s been the “most restrained of all the coverage” in the alternative media.


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