Monday, 5 December 2016

My friend Ekundayo, a genius with a paintbrush


I’d like you to meet a man that I've worked with for over a decade.   His artist name is Ekundayo and I'll be darned if I know what else to call him.  He pours his life into his work - it's everything to him.

ekundayo-transitionsHis painting style style is emotion filled, kinetic, and unforgettable.


I met Ekundayo in 2005 and since then, I’ve seen his work pop up on billboards, in movies and on murals around the globe.  

The content he chooses to create goes beyond our comfort zone, and because of that, it's impossible to mistake his artistic fingerprint.


Each of his art pieces drips with emotion and has amazing stories buried within them.


In 2007, Ekundayo helped our company create a mural for Trent Reznor’s, Year Zero. The piece was painted in London with other artists Johnny Rodriguez, Josh Clay and Mike Maxwell.


Reznor's mural was stolen 2 days after it was completed and to this day, fans around the world are on the lookout for it.

By the time the Year Zero project was complete, Ekundayo had become very special to me and as his technique evolved, I marveled at his ability to quickly fill vast spaces with his unique vision.


I'd love to have a peek at the sketchbook in his head and see the art before it unfolds.


My friend is truly a genius with a paintbrush and you can check out the rest of his work at



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