Wednesday, 7 December 2016

This flameless lighter lets you light up via plasma beam


Unlike traditional lighters, the SaberLight features an electronic plasma beam that's both rechargeable and butane-free. This sleek lighter is even approved by TSA, so you'll never be stuck buying lighters you'll just have to throw away partially used. For some people, like me, this is a pretty big game-changer. 

The SaberLight’s beam is actually both hotter and cleaner than a butane flame, meaning it’s less toxic to humans. Just place you cigarette or candle wick in the arced beam and easily light up. Plus, with wind and splash proofing, the SaberLight guarantees a clean light no matter the weather conditions.

One of the best features is that it's totally rechargeable and offers up to 300 uses on a single charge. You'll save major cash down the line and do a good deed for the environment while you're at it. For a limited time, the SaberLight is 81% off, just $37.99. If you hurry, this lighter could be just about the coolest stocking stuffer ever given.


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