Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Get up! Get on the scene! Get yourself on track with timeline software

Simply willing your projects to completion might be enough for those of you well-steeped in the mind-hacks of Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret. For the rest of us chronic pessimists, doing the actual work in a logical fashion is probably going to yield more success. Planning out large projects can be supremely difficult without proper organizational methods, which is why Aeon Timeline 2 was created to help ease some of the pain of staying on track.

This Windows- and Mac-friendly app helps manage the complexity in everything from creative writing projects to legal cases. The virtual timeline is ideal for fiction writers that need to keep track of key events and character growth over time, and for students mapping out major essays. Project managers can use its powerful task assignment, grouping, and nesting features to keep their teams flexible without losing sight of the bigger picture.

Aeon Timeline 2 gives you the freedom to juggle abstract goals, research materials, and concrete deadlines within a single interface. Usually $50, you can get it here for $22.99.


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