Most people who follow Trump on Twitter will either cheer him on, shout back at him, or run the other way. But SNL writer Josh Patten responds to Trump's tweets as if Trump had texted them directly to Patten, and Patten's casual, breezy responses had me laughing out loud.
The fun seems to have started on July 5, when Trump tweeted, "Getting ready to leave for Poland, after which I will travel to Germany for the G-20. Will be back on Saturday." To which Patten responded, "Call when you land."
Other exchanges include:
Trump: "I am at the @USGA #USWomensOpen. An amateur player is co-leading for the first time in many decades - very exciting!" Patten: "sounds neat keep me posted"
Trump: "Congratulations to Sung Hyun Park on winning the 2017" Patten: "sorry just seeing this"
Trump: "Most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one Don jr attended in order to get info on an opponent. That's politics!" Patten: "Oh for sure. Any good info?"
And there are many more where these came from. Patten "unveiled" his horseplay a few days ago on Twitter, and I look forward to finding more in the days and hopefully weeks to come.
Thanks CNN!
Image: Gage Skidmore