Friday, 11 August 2017

Gamers petition IKEA to produce an affordable gaming table

A petition has been posted on by a Maryland gamer, Brad Smoley, to try and convince Scandinavian stick furniture powerhouse IKEA that there's a significant-enough market for a dining room table that converts into a gaming table. He writes:

The board gaming community is passionate and fickle about their gaming accessories. They are also a large group with disposable income. There have been many attempts in the community to develop a high-quality table appropriate for both dining and gaming, but few have been affordable enough for the community at large to enjoy. That is why this petition has been created. IKEA is an industry leader in creating multi-functional furniture at affordable prices. The tabletop gaming community is already a heavy user of IKEA's KALLAX product as it is an efficient way to store and display their gaming collections. An affordable multi-function gaming table designed by IKEA would be an incredible addition to not only IKEA's line up of products, but the board gaming community's list of essential gaming accessories.

I believe the petition just launched within the past 24 hours and has already gathered over 5300 signatures (of the desired 7500). I signed. I'm one of those gamers who covets such a table but could never afford what handmade and small production models go for.


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