Friday, 18 August 2017

Horrors: Chucky the bath bomb

Bathe with one eye open because 80s and 90s horror film icon Chucky is now a bath bomb.

Its scent? Orange soda.

This Chuckie Bath Bomb is a recent creation of California-based beauty brand Loquita Bath and Body who has already sold out of the fizzy Child's Play doll head.

Loquita's founder Mira Perez told HelloGiggles:

Well the name came from my husband, he says I am a “loca” [crazy] which I have to admit, I can be a loquita in the best way possible. The brand, however, came because I was throughly mesmerized by these bath and body companies catering to the “goth” style and as much as I love the dark or obscure I didn’t feel like it screamed “ME!’ So, I decided to create bombs that were nostalgic and that I could identify with.


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