Monday, 18 September 2017

Diagnose household issues with this wireless endoscopic camera


When you stumble upon a mysterious water leak or a strange rattle coming from inside an appliance, getting a better view of the problem usually requires some laborious disassembly, or a desperate call to the nearest handyman. If you embrace the DIY spirit, however, this 1080p HD Waterproof WiFi Wireless Endoscopic Camera makes it easier to see what’s wrong inside tight spaces.

This tiny camera is affixed to a flexible 3 meter line, and is rated for IP68 water resistance. It features an 8-way adjustable LED to illuminate your workspace, and 1080p HD resolution to capture closeup detail. It also doesn’t care what device you use to stream video to — this camera is fully compatible with Mac, Windows, Android and iOS.

Grab this 1080p HD Waterproof WiFi Wireless Endoscopic Camera here for $39.99.


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