Sit down, get comfortable -- yes, right there -- and enjoy "My Girl's Pussy."
Hey now, get your mind out of the gutter. "My Girl's Pussy" is a song recorded in 1931 by bandleader Harry Roy and his orchestra, the Bat Club Boys.
Ok, put your mind back in the gutter because this obviously isn't about cats. It's a dirty little ditty packed with double entendres.
Here's a look at the suggestive lyrics:
There's one pet I like to petAnd every evening we get set
I stroke it every chance I get
It's my girl's pussy
Seldom plays and never purrs
And I love the thoughts it stirs
But I don't mind because it's hers
My girl's pussy
Often it goes out at night
Returns at break of dawn
No matter what the weather's like
It's always nice and warm
It's never dirty, always clean
In giving thrills, never mean
But it's the best I've ever seen
Is my girl's pussy
Well, there you go.
One last note... In 1978, R. Crumb & his Cheap Suit Serenaders covered the song. (Yep, Robert Crumb the cartoonist.)
Here's that version: (reddit)