Sean Spicer, newly ennobled by Hollywood as a well-meaning funnyman briefly forced to play the buffoonish Goebbels to President Trump, is already having trouble staying in character.
About an hour after Spicer's texts, he replied to a polite email I had sent earlier, seeking comment:
Per my text: Please refrain from sending me unsolicited texts and emails Should you not do so I will contact the appropriate legal authorities to address your harassment Thanks Sean M Spicer
Context: Spicer's a famously fastidious note-taker and it appears White House investigator Robert Mueller wants a peek.
Spicer is exactly what he appears to be: a blathering thug from whom threats and lies flow like sweat. The desire for there to be something under this, some warmer more human creature behind the mask, is just another disease of that liberal center everyone keeps warning you about.