When Trump spoke to African leaders at a UN lunch on Wednesday, he referred to the African country of Nambia twice. It was a head-scratcher. Did he mean Zambia? Gambia? Namibia? Narnia? Oh wait...
It made for a busy round of yucks on Twitter. Here is a sample:
Ah yes, #Nambia. I love that country. Stopped by on my way home from a safari in Wakanda last time I was on the continent. 😂ðŸ˜ðŸ™„
— Rosie B 🇬🇠(@rosiesrambles) September 21, 2017
Nambia is the world's top exporter of covfefe https://t.co/ho8TcgXkgn
— Andrew Stroehlein (@astroehlein) September 21, 2017
King of #Nambia, the heir to the Royal Throne of Zamunda http://pic.twitter.com/vKQK1VSwct
— MJ Edwards (@rogue1two) September 21, 2017
I dream of a land like Nambia, where fields of Covfefe grow, and the National song is Rocket Man. #Nambia #Trumpspeak
— Lori Rose Bebko (@_TorpedoGirl_) September 21, 2017
BREAKING: Reports Boris Johnson urgently preparing for state visit after the recent discovery of #Nambia... http://pic.twitter.com/cEy0y2TXxd
— Brett Edwards (@bwiedwards) September 21, 2017