Tuesday, 31 October 2017

31 days of horror film PEZ dispensers

Toy artist Jesse Wroblewski of Chainsaw Estates challenged himself to sculpt a horror movie-themed PEZ candy dispenser for each day in October.

Here's a look at some of his horribly-creative sculptures, from Pennywise to Pinhead: http://ift.tt/2zW6eXY http://ift.tt/2hqxbfS http://ift.tt/2zVltAn http://ift.tt/2hqxcjW http://ift.tt/2zVlvIv http://ift.tt/2hr3lb4 http://ift.tt/2zVAFhg http://ift.tt/2hqxfME http://ift.tt/2zVlxQD http://ift.tt/2hr3prk http://ift.tt/2zVlzrJ

See the rest at his Instagram feed.


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