Friday, 13 October 2017

Pandering to zealotry Trump says America worships Christian god

Shitting all over centuries of American history, the sitting President of the United States declared “In America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.” while speaking to a bunch of zealots at the "Value Voters Summit." Trump is the first President to address this group.

The Dotard-in-Chief also regaled the audience, of mostly white Christ admiring folk looking to impress their way of life on the rest of us, with tales of his defense of their first amendment rights.

Oh, the irony!

Via TPM:

The President also mentioned that he had made “official” the National Day of Prayer. So did former President Barack Obama, via executive proclamation, eight years in a row.

And Trump reminded his audience of a peculiar focus of his since his early days on the campaign trail: “We’re saying ‘Merry Christmas’ again!”

Trump is the first sitting President to address the summit, which is organized by the Family Research Council, a conservative Christian group with deep political roots.

During his speech, the President extolled the values of the religious life and positioned them opposite an oppressive government bureaucracy.

“For too long, politicians have tried to centralize the authority among the hands of a small few in our nation’s capital,” he said. “Bureaucrats think they can run your lives, overrule your values, meddle in your faith, and tell you how to live, what to say, and how to pray. But we know that parents, not bureaucrats, know best how to raise their children and create a thriving society.”

He added separately: “In America, we don’t worship government, we worship God.”


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