The Susan G Komen Foundation is the poster-child for shitty charitable activity, from its notoriously high overheads (which divert donors' money to executives, rather than cancer research) to its antipathy to Planned Parenthood (because forcing women to have babies is more important than screening their breasts for cancer), and then there's its string of dubious branding deals.
But now the charity has attained a new peak of sellout pinkwashing, partnering with fracking giant Baker Hughes to cover the tips of its drills with pink paint. The fracking company says this is "doing our bit" for the cure. Gettit? Bit!
It's funny because it's carcinogenic! However, the Komen Foundation assures us that none of the carcinogens that fracking forces into our drinking water cause breast cancer.
...Each steel bit — weighing 85 to 260 pounds — is painted by hand at the company’s drill bit manufacturing facility in The Woodlands and then shipped to the drill site in a pink-topped container containing information packets with breast health facts, including breast cancer risk factors and screening tips.
The hope is that the roughneck who cracks open that container learns a little more about the disease that afflicts 200,000 women per year.
Fracking company teams up with Susan G. Komen, introduces pink drill bits “for the cure” [Linday Abrams/Salon]
(Image: Baker Hughes)