— Wキーから指が離れない@大阪赤選手 (@ippupu_ava) October 14, 2017
信じられる?#自作erオフ会 http://pic.twitter.com/S0kE1lm9sM
Hatsune Miku is a virtual idol created by a music software company. Thanks to a liberal user license, people can create apps and videos starring the turquoise-haired performer. Here's a guy who made a PC case that looks like Miku chan is living inside it.
From Brian Ashcraft at Kotaku:
Virtual idol Hatsune Miku appears to be dancing inside this modded PC case, which was recently shown in Osaka. Amazing, no? Created do-it-yourself PC get together, the case mod is outfitted with a clear LCD panel, giving the appearance that Miku is dancing. This case mod was on display earlier this summer in Tokyo.