Monday, 13 November 2017

Not just kittens... Maine Coon kittens

Monday is hard to Monday.

I've only had 2 cats I've ever liked. Both of them were Maine Coons.

Dillinger and I were brought together when I saw a beautiful litter of cats for sale at a pet shop mere steps away from a friends apartment. I was supposed to be helping that friend move, but his apartment was filthy and he never cleaned up after his birds. I decided to buy a kitten and go home. Dillinger was a Maine Coon. He thought he was a dog. I had lucked into the best cat ever.

I do not know what happened to Dillinger. Years later, Willie, a cat my then-wife had brought into our combined home was torturing pobrecito Dill and creating an untenable situation. No one would take our mean cat, but my then-wife had no problem finding a home for such a beautiful cat as Dillinger. I hope he made out well. I will always feel bad about that but we didn't want to kill .

I never wanted another cat! I still do not. At a time I was looking for a new dog, my daughter insisted on a WHITE FLUFFY CAT TO CUDDLE IN HER SLEEP. Always the sucker, I called Maine Coon Adoptions in Oakland, CA. They found us a loveable, suped-up hepcat from the Oaktown. Only problem was my daughter failed to mention she NEEEDED a girl cat and a boy could not be named PRINCESS. She named him Heart, cause that is masculine enough. Heart is one hepcat. It is I who gets cuddles in their sleep, tho I think he's checking to see if it is time to eat my corpse.


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