Monday, 4 December 2017

WaPo breaking: Woman shares new evidence of relationship with Roy Moore when she was 17

"He's a liar," says Debbie Wesson Gibson of Roy Moore, the Alabama Republican nominee for U.S. Senate who has been accused by five women of pursuing them when they were teenagers. Moore denies knowing Gibson, but she says that Moore dated her when she was 17 and that he kissed her (with her consent). She has produced a scrapbook that features Moore's distinctive handwriting and says, “Happy graduation Debbie. I wanted to give you this card myself. I know that you’ll be a success in anything you do. Roy.”

From The Washington Post:

On a page titled “remembrances,” she had listed her graduation gifts line by line, including “$10, card” from “Roy S. Moore,” and a check mark indicating she had sent a thank-you card.

On a page titled “the best times,” she had written: “Wednesday night, 3-4-81. Roy S. Moore and I went out for the first time. We went out to eat at Catfish Cabin in Albertville. I had a great time.” She had underlined “great” twice.

The scrapbook also contained a photo of Gibson as a high school senior, and when she saw it, she said, she thought to herself, “That’s the age I was when I dated Roy Moore, because my braces were off.”


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