Tuesday, 23 January 2018

5 new skills for 2018 you can start learning today

As the saying goes, "New year, new you." But what's going to be different about the 2018 version of yourself? What if you kick off the new year by adding a new skill or two to your repertoire? From coding to writing, and even photo editing, we've rounded up five of the best learning resources on the web right now to help you enter the new year with an in-demand skill. They're all on sale for $19 each.

1. Python 3 Bootcamp Bundle

When it comes to getting the most bang for your buck, learning how to code may very well be one of the most valuable skills you can learn. Whether you want to create a personal website or earn some extra cash on the side by building someone else's, learning how to code can open up a myriad of opportunities, and when it comes to that first language to learn, Python is one of the best.

This bundle features more than 30 hours of training in Python and its related tools. Regardless of your experience level, you'll learn how to use this language to develop websites, scrape data, create apps, and much more.

Get this deal here > $19

2. Ultimate Adobe Photo Editing Bundle

Ask any graphic designer worth their salt, and they'll tell you that Adobe and its suite of tools are king for editing and creating digital content. Photoshop and Lightroom, in particular, are two tremendously powerful tools for editing photos, and knowing how to use them can net you some pretty lucrative side work as a photo editor.

This 8-course collection boasts more than 40 hours of training in these two programs and will guide you through the essentials of using them to create stunning images. You'll discover how to tinker with layers and selections and correct photos for color. Plus, this collection even includes a course on making it as a freelance editor, so you can get that extra revenue stream up and running faster.

Get this deal here > $19

3. YouTube Mastery Bundle

Times are changing, and now people can make a cozy living entirely from producing videos on YouTube. Whether you have ambitions of becoming the next Jenna Marbles or just getting your name out there, understanding the ins and outs of this platform can pay big down the road

This collection features five courses designed to help you earn money by creating content on YouTube. You'll learn how to increase your reach with marketing techniques, add color to your channel, and much more to create a presence on this platform.

Get this deal here > $19

4. Copywriting Mastery Bundle

Texting and memes may be systematically eroding the English language as we know it, but understanding the conventions of writing and conveying a message is still invaluable. Whether you're trying to promote your own business or publish your creative work, this four-course collection has you covered.

Jump in, and you'll get a crash course in the many facets and applications of creative writing. You'll discover how to structure a story properly so that you can get published, and you'll dive into drafting compelling sales copy as a copywriter, allowing you to earn some extra cash on the side.

Get this deal here > $19

5. Ethical Hacking A to Z Bundle

Cybercrime is no joke, and while most of today's headlines focus on hackers stealing information from companies, we're all at risk of getting attacked. That's why everyone should know how to protect themselves online, and this eight-course collection will show you how.

You'll discover how to detect common hacking threats, like phishing, cross-site scripting, and email hacking. And, you'll train to sniff out vulnerabilities in networks, so you can patch them up before they get breached, giving you an extra layer of protection against hacking attacks.

Get this deal here > $19


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