Friday, 2 March 2018

Accused child molestor Roy Moore is begging for money to "prevail against the unholy forces of evil"

America's favorite cowboy cosplayer/accused child molestor/senate race loser Roy Moore is pleading to his fans to give him $250,000 to "prevail against the unholy forces of evil" that prevented him from becomes God's own representative in the US Senate. According to, Moore has raised $32,235 to :fight a lawsuit filed by Leigh Corfman, one of the women who said Moore had sexual contact with her when she was a teenager. Corfman filed a defamation suit after the election, claiming Moore and his campaign defamed her by saying she was a liar and immoral."

From Moore's Facebook post:

I now face another vicious attack from lawyers in Washington D. C. and San Francisco who have hired one of the biggest firms in Birmingham Alabama to bring another legal action against me and ensure that I never fight again.

However, I will trust God that he will allow truth to prevail against the unholy forces of evil behind their attack.

I have lawyers who want to help but they are not without cost and besides their fees, legal expenses could run over $100,000. I have had to establish a “legal defense fund, anything you give will be appreciated.

The liberal media, in association with some who want to destroy our Country do not want my influence in the 2018 elections and are doing everything they can to stop me.

Gays, lesbians, and transgenders have joined forces with those who believe in abortion, sodomy, and destruction of all that we hold dear. Unless we stand together we will lose our Country.

Christians can no longer afford to remain silent in these “perilous” times. For we know that in such time men shall become lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God.

We must fight, an appeal to the God of Heaven is all that is left us!

Please help me fight this battle for the heart and soul of this Nation. Your financial contribution to my legal defense fund is crucial.

After over 40 years of public service I cannot back down now.

When I stood to bring these values and truths to Washington D. C. I was forced to fight the Washington establishment, the Republican Party, the Democrat Party, the ultra-liberal media and people such asGeorge Soros, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and many others who fear the truth.

I’m sure that you cannot imagine how this has taken a toll on my wife, my children, and even my friends.

My resources have been depleted and I have struggled to make ends meet, but I have not lost my faith in our God, who is our true source of strength and will never leave or forsake us.



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