Friday, 27 April 2018

Certify your IT skills with this CompTIA training

Ask any IT professional worth their salt, and they'll tell you that having the right certifications can make or break your chances when it comes to earning a promotion or getting your foot in the door to an entry-level IT gig. And, while there are a host of certification providers out there, few carry the weight that a certification from CompTIA does.

Whether you're aiming to pursue a career in cybersecurity or network administration, CompTIA can certify your knowledge in a host of IT disciplines, and you can prepare to ace its certification exams with the Complete 2018 CompTIA Certification Training Bundle, which is on sale in the Boing Boing Store.

Featuring more than 140 hours of content spread across 14 courses, this training will familiarize you with the concepts and ideas you're likely to be tested on during several CompTIA certification exams, including CompTIA's Security+, A+, and Cloud+ certifications. As you progress, you'll develop core IT skills, like detecting network threats and administering enterprise networks, and, with lifetime access, you can make your way through each course on your own time and at the pace that's right for you.

Now, you can pick up the Complete 2018 CompTIA Certification Training Bundle on sale for $59. Plus, you can take an extra 30 percent off the sale price when you use the GETSMART coupon code at checkout.


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