Monday, 23 April 2018

Disconnect gives web trackers the boot and ups your device's battery life

Most of us understand that when we visit a website, we're subjecting ourselves to surveillance by trackers. And, while these tools are usually used for innocuous purposes, like determining which ads to show you, they can be leveraged for much more nefarious goals, and they have the potential to tank your browsing speed as well as your device's battery life.

Disconnect has emerged as an online solution that blocks trackers and malware across your entire device, allowing you to surf the web up to 44% faster, use up to 39% less bandwidth, and significantly improve your device's battery life.


In addition to blocking tracker requests, Disconnect boasts VPN technology that encrypts your browsing movements so that you can surf on public and private networks without your ISP or the government peeking in. What's more, Disconnect also allows you to sidestep geo-restrictions that prevent you from accessing streaming sites like Netflix and Hulu when you're traveling overseas.

One-year and three-year Disconnect Premium subscriptions are currently available in the Boing Boing Store for $19 and $29 respectively. For a limited time, use coupon code GETSAFE to save an additional 20% off!


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