Monday, 9 July 2018

Black teen, roughed up by Texas cop, wins settlement

Dajerria Becton, the black teenage girl roughed up by Texas cop Eric Casebolt and at suburban a pool party, has won a $184k settlement from the city of McKinney over the attack.

Casebolt was seen dragging Dajerria by the hair, slamming her to the ground, pinning her down and then handcuffing her, all while she called out for someone to call her mother.

Though it didn't result in signifant injury or death, this incident exemplified enduring problem with policing in America: inappropriate training, institutional irresponsibility, and big white cops satisfying themselves with violence on little black kids.

The screengrab is taken from a video of the attack recorded by Brandon Books, without which it is as likely Casebolt would have been praised by his superiors rather than merely insulated by them from legal consequences. Here he leaps into the fray, lest justice be evaded: Here he reaches for his gun, lest justice be resisted:


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