Tuesday, 3 July 2018

John Waters introduces DEVO at Burger Boogaloo: "Trump is a feckless prick"

DEVO headlined Burger Boogaloo this past weekend in Oakland. John Waters introduced them to the stage in an epic nearly four-minute-long speech that attacked Trump and celebrated the band:

...Originally from Ohio, why-oh-why-oh-Ohio, they started their careers like I did: pissed off. And they had a real reason to be nuts, their fellow friends were killed at Kent State University by the police. So they started a De-Evolution that we're still feeling. They challenged illegitimate authority, they said, and so should YOU. It's worse now than it ever was. Trump is a feckless prick. A shithole of a president. An orange anus, as Rosie McDonnell called him. Who kidnaps children. Tosses paper towels to hurricane victims. It's so dumb he stares at the eclipse with that stupid wife who's a clueless dresser who no drag queen would ever imitate. What better band to protest his stupidity and first-degree asshole-ism than our boys tonight from outer space. But our political situation is not science fiction, it's real. Before New Wave, ahead of Industrial, "alternative" way before the word was coined, this band was no media invention, it was a grassroots movement that everyone here has embraced. David Bowie loved them, Iggy loved them. I loved them. One of the bandmates even told me once that I was in a titty bar with them doing coke. I thought, "What was *I* doing in a titty bar?" I was under DEVO's spell, that's it. And tonight even more so, with my friend Freddy Armisen playing the drums. All I know is that they're one of the influential bands in musical history. Promoters used to unplug their equipment to stop their messages but not tonight. Cause we're a cult, glad to be brainwashed. Tonight is Jonestown with a happy ending. Let's pray to them. Let's levitate and enjoy. It's a miracle, playing together for the first time in four years. It's a Burger Boogaloo wet dream, It's DEVO.
https://ift.tt/2KCrbR1 https://twitter.com/DEVO/status/1012668765287284736 https://twitter.com/DEVO/status/1014140647408795649 https://ift.tt/2IRilK3


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