Thursday, 23 August 2018

National Enquirer publisher turns on Trump

David Pecker, the publisher of the National Enquirer and a 'friend' of Donald Trump, has been granted immunity from prosecution. The Wall Street Journal:

David Pecker, the chief executive of the company that publishes the National Enquirer, was granted immunity by federal prosecutors for providing information about Michael Cohen and Donald Trump in the criminal investigation into hush-money payments for two women during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to people familiar with the matter.

In exchange for immunity, Mr. Pecker, CEO of American Media, Inc. and a longtime friend of Mr. Trump, has met with prosecutors and shared details about payments Mr. Cohen arranged.

The immunity deal could hold significant consequences for Trump, as Pecker could have as much damaging information about the president as anyone in Trump's orbit. He and Pecker have been friends since the 1990s, and have appear to remain so after Trump became president — the media mogul even visited the White House last year, according to The New York Times

This is the guy who bought the stories from Trump's mistresses under the false pretext of publishing them as tabloid exposés, thereby fooling them into legal agreements that forbade them from telling anyone else about the relationships.


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