Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Melania off to Africa, will tell "sh**hole" countries to "Be Best"

Continuing to be blind to their own contradictions, Melania is off to visit Africa.

Via Talking Points Memo:

Mrs. Trump will travel next month without President Donald Trump, who raised ire across Africa this year after his private complaint about the continent’s “s-hole countries” was leaked to journalists. He said earlier Wednesday that he and his wife “love Africa.”

Trump later offered a partial denial in public but privately defended his remarks, The Associated Press reported in January. Trump also didn’t deny the comment when he was asked about it while hosting Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari at the White House in April.

While the first lady tours the vast African continent, the president is expected to be in the midst of aggressive campaigning for November elections in which his Republican Party’s control of both houses of Congress is at stake.


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