Monday, 8 October 2018

Another article about the revolting condition of San Francisco's streets

The New York Times marvels at the absolute squalor on San Francisco's streets near fabulously prosperous tech companies in the Tenderloin.

“It’s like the land of the living dead,” said Adam Leising, a resident of Hyde Street.

We met Mr. Leising late one evening after he had finished a shift as a server at a restaurant. As we toured the neighborhood, past a man crumpled on the ground next to empty beer bottles and trash, Mr. Leising told us that the daily glimpses of desperation brought him to the brink of depression.

“We are the most advanced country in the world,” Mr. Leising said. “And that’s what people are having to live with here.”

It's not that San Franciscans want to play hopscotch with human poop, it's just that the thing that would get rid of it—the homeless infrastructure you get in east-coast cities—is such a fundamental challenge to their civic mythology that you may as well ask them to lick it off the pavement. They have 4,400 homepess people, but adding just 1000 shelter beds to the 2000 currently available is talked about like the imposition of full communism.

So instead there are portapotties and cleaning crews: things that are fabulously expensive, and very obviously don't work.

Photo: cropped from Jim Wilson/The New York Times


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