Nick Shabazz, a knife reviewer with an amused taste for reviewing particularly bad knives, finds one that "really beats the cake." It's the worst knife he has ever seen, a "fractal of terrible knifemaking" whose terribleness is apparent at every point of inspection.
The belt clip is in the wrong place. The screws are all different. It's been chamfered after the texture is applied, removing it from the edges. The bolt is chipped. The knife appears to be assymetrical along its length by design. And you wonder, "how can this get worse?" Then you open the knife.
I have a thing for terrible knives, but today, we look at a knife which is not only terrible, but gets more terrible the closer you look at it. I present to you, the Master.
I found it on Aliexpress, but I'm not linking to it. Just get something from Spyderco. [Amazon]