Wednesday, 10 October 2018

These Mac 'n' Cheese Candy Canes are selling out fast

If you were thinking of getting a box of Archie McPhee's Mac & Cheese Candy Canes, get on it.

After a post on @junkfoodmom in mid-September, their cheesy yellow-and-white striped candies started becoming popular ("This one isn’t bad! Smells like cheese and tastes like Mac n cheese but the sweetness overpowers the flavor eventually so it’s doable."). Since then, the candy has been covered all over the internet and even landed a spot in the print version of People magazine. Now, because of its "extreme popularity, Archie McPhee has had to limit its sales of the canes to one box per person.

I asked the company's Director of Awesome David Wahl why he thought they took off like they did and he wrote back,

We actually thought Clamdy Canes would be more popular. Turns out mixing two things people actually like together gets people more excited than actually trying to gross them out. (As we should have learned from the Bacon Candy Canes and Pickle Candy Canes.)

I think we became the “I dare you to try this” food of the moment (and of Christmas!).

Personally, I can’t wait for all the videos of kids trying the Mac and Cheese Candy Canes that Santa brought them.

Get a box while you can for $5.95/each. If they do end up selling out, don't sweat it. There's plenty of those Clamdy Canes (their clam-flavored candy canes) to go around.


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