Amazon admits that it somehow leaked some users' email addresses and names. But it's not saying how the information was exposed, how many were affected, or otherwise talking to those affected or to the press. From the sound of things, it'll be a Christmas miracle if anyone finds out.
From TechCrunch:
TechCrunch that the issue exposed names as well as email addresses. “We have fixed the issue and informed customers who may have been impacted.” The company emailed all impacted users to be cautious.
In response to a request for specifics, a spokesperson said the company had “nothing to add beyond our statement.” The company denies there was a data breach of its website of any of its systems, and says it’s fixed the issue, but dismissed our request for more info including the cause, scale and circumstances of the error.
I guess the good news is that those who Amazon is certain of having been affected by their leaky ship have been contacted via email and told the following:
“We’re contacting you to let you know that our website inadvertently disclosed your email address due to a technical error... The issue has been fixed. This is not a result of anything you have done, and there is no need for you to change your password or take any other action.”
What a relief. After all, Who wants to know how or why a snafu that could have a deep impact on their personal finances occurred. Give me a vague explanation of a serious issue, any day.
If you didn't receive an email from Amazon regarding exactly who screwed you might be, you might want to take steps to unscrew yourself, all the same. Given what a tasty target Amazon's customer database could be for a hack, it's a damn fine idea to change your account password on a regular basis. If you own a password manager, like 1Password, use it. Frequently changing your credentials up in the name of security is an undeniable pain in the ass, but it's better than discovering that someone in Florida bought 1,400 pounds of freeze-dried meals to stock their Civil War II bunker with on your dime.
Image via Wikipedia Commons