Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Give Women Your Money: Shoppable spreadsheet of women-led businesses

Editor's note: We love this one-stop spreadsheet of women-led businesses created by Krystal Plomatos, and encourage you to share it with friends and family. Give women your money, this holiday season and beyond.

I SPEND A LOT OF TIME OBSESSING about two things: how more women can get more money and power, and brands. I’m a brand strategist by day. “Give Women Your Money” is my way of making it easier for women to find, shop, and help scale women-led businesses. It’s a “shoppable spreadsheet” with more than a hundred companies I’ve identified and collected here, with a simple form that anyone else can use to make suggestions.

Give Women Your Money is also for the fellas!

A lot of men are looking for ways to be a productive ally. Nudging them to shop from women anytime they need to get a gift for a significant other, mom, sister, friend, niece, etc., is one easy way they contribute towards the push for a more equitable business environment. (And some of the companies on the spreadsheet make unisex products, as well.)

The numbers associated with women’s economic impact are staggering in terms of raw purchasing power (estimated at $7 trillion+ in the US), our dominance in gift-buying decisions (68%), our influence on entire household purchase choices (90%).

When you take a moment to reflect on just how much power we collectively wield, it becomes exciting to actively shift your spending so it can benefit women from different backgrounds. At this point there is almost always a woman-led option for every category; from deodorants, to toothpaste, skincare and beauty, handbags, shoes, jewelry and, of course, clothes.

I included links to founder interviews and their Instagram accounts within the spreadsheet because name recognition and follower counts also helps drive business, especially so for businesses led by women of color.

These women are also designing things that solve real pain points, not manufactured insecurities, as can be the case with some mainstream brands.

There are no diet lollipops on the list.

I tried to find products that have real utility, like functional-instead-of-decorative pockets or machine-washable workwear that spares you from spending a small fortune in dry cleaning, or technical fabrics that minimize or reduce sweat stains. There are also some selections from the slow fashion and clean beauty movements. Women are prioritizing ethically-sourced and manufactured raw materials and cruelty/chemical-free ingredients. To make that choice is not at all cheap! I run a business. I can relate to just how hard it can be to make those sacrifices. But recognizing the growing number of companies with a moral compass says “ok, there are more people ready and willing to ‘buy less but buy better.’”

I hope you find it useful!

LINK: Give Women Your Money.

Krystal Plomatos is a brand and innovation strategist and principal at Special Circumstances, a brand and media consultancy based in Detroit.



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