Take it to the streets, America. The investigation into Trump's corruption and likely criminality must not be stopped.
Thousands of Americans from Florida to California gathered to defend Special Counsel Robert Mueller and the system of justice he represents. Below, photos and video from the events, shared live.
The #ProtectMueller crowd keeps growing! pic.twitter.com/7KvYY0fL5t
— David Levy (@itsdlevy) November 8, 2018
The #ProtectMueller rally in Times Square, seen from above. pic.twitter.com/vbi3b2H2v1
— David Levy (@itsdlevy) November 8, 2018
We’re on the march now - Times Square to Union Square. #ProtectMueller pic.twitter.com/UAlYShxZhW
— Beau Willimon (@BeauWillimon) November 8, 2018
#NYC #ProtectMueller rally #TimesSquare chanting
“Who is not above the law?”
“Trump is not above the Law!”Crowd still growing, streaming in from all side streets. Peaceful.
900+ Rallies held across the county at 5 pm local time. Find one near you
https://t.co/eNYQmpa7Qm pic.twitter.com/9JJmqE1SRY
— Piper Perabo (@PiperPerabo) November 8, 2018
Mother Jones's @MarkHelenowski & @samvanpee are at Times Square covering the #ProtectMueller rally. Here's what it's looking like right now: pic.twitter.com/KF4xifatE6
— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) November 8, 2018
Tonight at the Boston Commons. #ProtectMueller photo courtesy of my 16 yr. daughter. pic.twitter.com/QIh2Dfs7h0
— Paul C. Ha (@paulha365) November 8, 2018
#ProtectMueller 5th ave 22nd st nyc. now. headed to #unionsquare pic.twitter.com/FRoQceivio
— Judah Friedlander (@JudahWorldChamp) November 8, 2018
Spontaneous rally to #ProtectMueller in #Lancaster, #Pennsylvania's Penn Square this evening. The crowd is chanting #RuleOfLaw. Lots of support from those driving by. #WhitakerMustRecuse #Trump pic.twitter.com/urJSb5Ggs3
— Michael Deibert (@michaelcdeibert) November 8, 2018
Protestors at the #ProtectMueller rally in New York as crowd moves towards Union Square. (
: @samvanpee) https://t.co/dp1goJqGw8 pic.twitter.com/uvUxWR2TiB
— Mother Jones (@MotherJones) November 8, 2018
.@realDonaldTrump Your hometown wants you to resign. You're unfit to be president and your election was stolen with the help of a hostile regime. #ProtectMueller pic.twitter.com/gXldM8DC0e
— Andrea Chalupa (@AndreaChalupa) November 8, 2018
More than 300 people @IndivisibleMN03’s protest in front of Erik Paulsen’s office tonight asking him Step Up to #ProtectMueller. #MN03 pic.twitter.com/ktN56b2kTz
— Lana Fx (@somuchweirdness) November 8, 2018
Birmingham has shown up to #ProtectMueller pic.twitter.com/mb1n72uuJ6
— Frannie James (@KudzuFrannie) November 8, 2018
Huge crowds on streets in downtown #Cincinnati this evening. #ProtectMueller pic.twitter.com/idJkjEi47H
— 𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙩𝙩 𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙙 (@ScottFordTVGuy) November 8, 2018
Protesting in Our little town in western NC to #ProtectMueller #NotAboveTheLaw @moveon @indivisible pic.twitter.com/T9t4tgHT57
— Natasha Bright (@NatashaBright77) November 8, 2018
Hundreds at the #ProtectMueller rally in Portland, Maine! pic.twitter.com/9gNW1hIzYg
— Bill Harnsberger (@BillinPortland) November 8, 2018
1st time protester that made her own sign! Awesome feeling sharing that time together, showing her to use her voice and stand with others to speak up against the wrong in the world! She loved the chants (cheering in her blood)! #ProtectMueller #WhitakerMustRecuse #DumpTrump pic.twitter.com/AbXr5StTBz
— Abby Philpott (@agrPott) November 8, 2018
#protectmueller nyc 11.8.18 7:01pm pic.twitter.com/PsE9a3NzL6
— (((Jonathan
Mann))) (@songadaymann) November 9, 2018
Duncan plaza new Orleans #ProtectMueller pic.twitter.com/ibigX9obfk
— Kathy Maher (@catmmaher) November 8, 2018
#ProtectMueller #TrumpIsNotAboveTheLaw pic.twitter.com/7M0NwXnEim
Indivisible Chicago
(@IndivisibleChi) November 8, 2018
Thank you, @SenBlumenthal, for joining us on the Green this evening. #ProtectMueller pic.twitter.com/PTKRK5tmMu
— Meredith Tarr (@mpressmeredith) November 8, 2018