Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Racist christmas tree

USA Today reports that a police station christmas tree garlanded with stereotypically black items and posted to social media resulted in demotions and suspensions.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo noted that it was "racially insensitive" in a post on the department's Facebook page.

"As soon as it was realized what the display was, it was removed," Arradondo said. "I am ashamed and appalled by the behavior of those who would feel comfortable to act in such a manner that goes against our core department values of Trust, Accountability and Professional Service."

Menthol ciggies and Old English, very clever. This seems to be a thing in Minnesota. HuffPo reports it's the fourth precinct to do something like it. The mayor, Jacob Frey, promised to fire the officer responsible outright but backed down within hours; it's amazing what a phone call from a police union can do to a politician's spine.


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