Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Samsung phone owners are upset because they can't delete the Facebook app

Samsung's sleazy deals with Facebook mean that owners of Samsung phones are not able to uninstall the Facebook apps that come pre-installed with their devices.

This is true even of flagship phones like the Galaxy 8.

Facebook claims that if you don't login to the app or run it, it won't spy on you.

This hasn't stemmed the tide on social media, where Samsung owners are complaining that they can't exorcise the zuckermonster from their pocket surveillance rectangles.

A Facebook spokesperson said the disabled version of the app acts like it’s been deleted, so it doesn’t continue collecting data or sending information back to Facebook. But there’s rarely communication with the consumer about the process. The Menlo Park, California-based company said whether the app is deletable or not depends on various pre-install deals Facebook has made with phone manufacturers, operating systems and mobile operators around the world over the years, including Samsung. Facebook, the world’s largest social network, wouldn’t disclose the financial nature of the agreements, but said they’re meant to give the consumer "the best" phone experience right after opening the box.

Samsung Phone Users Perturbed to Find They Can't Delete Facebook [Sarah Frier/Bloomberg]

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