Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Girl Scout puts shirtless 'Aquaman' hunk on cookie box and sales soar

With the help of her mom, a Girl Scout in Colorado has turned Samoas into "Momoas." Cookie sales have skyrocketed for fifth-grader (and "Top Cookie CEO") Charlotte Holmberg of Highlands Ranch since she and her mom started gluing a shirtless photo of beefcake Aquaman star Jason Momoa on Samoa boxes. Charlotte's mom, a marketing professional, was inspired by a meme photo she saw on the internet of Momoa and started designing new box art.


...so her and Charlotte got to work printing out the pictures and gluing them on dozens of boxes of Girl Scout cookies.

They put it on Facebook, and you can guess what happened next.

"The moms are getting really excited and they're saying that they need them," Charlotte said.

Even other Girl Scouts are hitting up Charlotte, asking to buy some. Now you know why they call her the Top Cookie CEO.

They say Thin Mints are the most popular Girl Scout cookie. That might now be a thing of the past.

A statement has not been issued from Momoa.

images via Girl Scouts of Colorado



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