Sunday, 3 February 2019

White House events "more dimly lit than in previous administrations" to hide conspicious orangeness of Trump's winter tan

At the New York Times, Katie Rogers reports on the "mystery" of Trump's January tan. Spoiler: he uses creams or sprays, not tanning beds or other ultraviolet gadgets. Hence the revolting orangeness.

“There have been enough people that have asked me in his orbit,” though not on the president’s behalf, to see what Mr. Trump could do to achieve a more even skin tone, Dr. Alster said. “I have nothing against self-action tanning creams, but I think you need to be careful about how you apply it.” ... He has complained that his skin and hair appear too yellow or orange on the screen, according to one person familiar with his views.

As a result, events in the White House are now more dimly lit than in previous administrations. The president has also become a fan of natural light, like the setting of the White House Rose Garden, where Mr. Trump chose to announce the end of the government shutdown in 40-degree weather.

Photo: Reuters


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