Thursday, 14 February 2019

Yet another disembodied foot in a shoe washed up on a British Columbia beach

Something odd is afoot. There have now been 15 disembodied feet inside shoes that have washed ashore in southwest British Columbia over the last 12 years. (Previously.) From CBC:

Since 2007, 10 of the 15 missing feet cases have been solved — all tied to missing person investigations, but this case, and four others, remain a mystery.

"I mean, certainly, it is an odd trend. One thing that we know is that these feet that are found — they're not linked to any sort of suspicious circumstance," said Watson. "I want to clear that up to make sure people are aware this isn't a cause for panic."

According to Watson, feet are often the part of human remains that are found, as they easily disarticulate from the body and remain afloat, due to the foam shoe sole.


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