Wednesday, 13 March 2019

Dog rescue: A helicopter 1,000 feet above snow happens to spot a stranded pup and gives him a lift

During a winter-training outing in a helicopter 1,000 feet above a snowy region in Scotland, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency happened to spot a dog perched on the ledge of a mountain, stranded in the snow below. Turns out the dog had been missing for two days.

According to AP:

They couldn’t fly away and leave the dog in trouble, so winchman Mark Stevens on Wednesday was lowered to the ground, scooped up the cold and frightened animal, and both were raised back to the helicopter.

The dog, named Ben, was cuddled and warmed on board before being rushed to a veterinarian.

Ben "has recovered from exposure" and is back home with its owner.

Image: Maritime & Coastguard Agency


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