Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Nearly two thirds of Americans think President Trump is a criminal

64 percent of American voters think President Trump committed crimes before becoming President, according to a Quinnipac poll.

"When two-thirds of voters think you have committed a crime in your past life, and almost half of voters say it's a toss-up over whether you committed a crime while in the Oval Office, confidence in your overall integrity is very shaky," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. "Add to that, Michael Cohen, a known liar headed to the big house, has more credibility than the leader of the free world."

Yet at least 40% of American voters would vote for him again over any Democratic opponent.

Most of us, especially media people and establishment Democratic types, really can't bring ourselves to accept how absolutely committed most conservatives are to table-flipping the whole country. We can conceive of the idea and approach it, but our thoughts are forced away, like a magnet being repelled, as soon as we start taking it seriously. The implications are just too horrible to deal with.


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