Thursday, 7 March 2019

Snail amuses itself with a carrot

It's hard to believe that snails like to play, but that's what this one looks like it's doing with a baby carrot in this time-lapse video.

From YouTube description:

I have two nerite snails named Randolph and Mortimer (yes, after the Dukes in Trading Places). They are sisters who have lived with me for over a year. Up until this point, I had offered them a few types of food that they were not interested in, but one day I offered this baby carrot to them and shortly after, found Randolph doing what you see in this video. I left the carrot in for about a week, during which time Randolph and Mortimer ate the whole thing. In this video, I don't think she's eating it, but simply playing. I have other videos of her eating where you can clearly see her moving her head and engaged in the activity of eating. This is just her having fun.

Image: YouTube


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