Wednesday, 12 June 2019

"Ice Ice Baby" as covered by the "Stephen Hawking voice"

Using vintage equipment, including the DECTalk Express (the machine that physicist Stephen Hawking once used to synthesize his speech), Youtuber bd594 creates an old school remix of Vanilla Ice's 1990 hit "Ice Ice Baby." Yo, VIP, let's kick it!

Devices Used:
Stephen Hawking's vocals - DECTalk Express (Paul)
Backup vocals - DECTalk Express (Harry)
DECTalk TTY Controller - MiniComm II
Bass - Yamaha CX-5M Computer
Synth Bass - 3.5" Floppy / CDRom head mechanism.
Drums - Hard Drive Heads
Cymbals - Hard Drive Platters
Hand Claps - High voltage DC automotive spark coil

(Blame it on the Voices)


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