Sunday, 2 June 2019

This personal, smart air conditioner humidifies as it cools

We all have a favorite room, the one we spend more than half our waking hours in. Typically that's the living room. If you work from home, it might be the den or wherever you've set up a desk. If that's the case, doesn't it seem wasteful to make sure the entire house is the same temperature?

Clearly, this question was on the minds of whoever made the Evapolar 2 - a smart, compact air conditioner that cheaply and efficiently keeps the room you like feeling the way you like it.

And they're not alone: As we write this, the Evapolar's Indiegogo page has raised more than $1,119,000 - more than enough to put the innovative unit into production.

That's good news for frugal homebodies. The Evapolar 2 uses a special nanofiber filter and proprietary tech to humidify the air as it cools, keeping an even temperature throughout any room. It's fully compatible with virtual assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa and best of all, it only uses 12.5 watts of power.

You can grab the new Evapolar 2: Smart Personal Air Conditioner for $199, more than 25% off the list price. Take your pick of white, black, or gray


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