Saturday 14 September 2019

Majority of Americans want free college and student debt cancellation

A Hill-HarrisX survey found that 58% of Americans "support government-funded public college tuition and the cancellation of student debt for the more than 44 million Americans who currently hold it."

72% of Democrats, 58% of independents, and 40% of Republicans support the proposition.

Both Sanders and Warren have proposed making state-run tertiary education free, and Sanders has proposed universal debt cancellation, while Warren has proposed debt cancellation for people in households earning less than $250k/year.

Klobuchar and Buttigieg oppose both propositions.

Everything is impossible until it's inevitable.

At the Democratic debate on Thursday night, Sanders restated his support for wiping out student debt and allowing all Americans to attend two- and four-year state colleges tuition-free.

“What we will also do is not only have universal pre-K, we will make public colleges and universities and HBCUs debt-free,” the Vermont independent senator said. “And what we will always also do, because this is an incredible burden on millions and millions of young people who did nothing wrong except try to get the education they need, we are going to cancel all student debt in this country.”

Majority in US Back Free College Tuition and Student Debt Cancellation, New Poll Finds | naked capitalism [Yves Smith/Naked Capitalism]

(Image: Donkeyhotey, CC BY)

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