Monday 9 September 2019

Rap battle between Alexander Hamilton and Satoshi Nakamoto over Bitcoin

This is pretty brilliant: A rap battle between Alexander Hamilton and Satoshi Nakamoto over the merits of centralized, government-fiat currency, versus decentralized cryptocurrencies.

It's a note-perfect homage to the terrific "cabinet rap battles" in the musical Hamilton (worth listening to, #1 and #2).

Over at freeCodeCamp, Quincy Larson transcribed the lyrics:

[Satoshi Nakamoto]
Decentralized currency. Yes, I invented it.
I’m sure many governments wish they had prevented it
Their national cash is how they keep control,
But freedom to the people was my ultimate goal.
Am I a pseudonym? A group of men? It doesn’t even matter.
I invented Bitcoin cause fiat is a disaster.
A man from Japan or a damn hologram?
I’m the reason open season on crypto began.

[Alexander Hamilton]
Does anybody know what this crypto-thing means?
To me, sounds like the new Get Broke Quick scheme,
A bunch of fools from across the land
Investing in something they don’t even understand,
Buying Litecoin, Dash, Bitcoin Cash,
It’s all gonna crash, and be gone in a flash.
All this unsupported money’s an irrational prank,
And I’ll be laughing all the way to my National Bank.

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