Friday, 4 October 2019

In Etch A Sketch: Haunted Mansion stretching room portraits

Tightrope Girl took 18 hours and the widow Constance Hatchaway took 13 hours

If you've ever tried to draw anything on an ordinary Etch A Sketch toy, you know it takes some mad skills to be able to do what "etch artist" Kevin E. Davis has accomplished with these four Haunted Mansion stretching room portraits. The series is part of his Disneyland Project which also includes absolutely incredible Etch A Sketch drawings of Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, the treasure room of the Pirates of the Caribbean, the exterior of It's a Small World, and more!

Each of these took 13 hours to complete

Because he has a family and life outside of work, Kevin can only create his art during his lunch hour. So one drawing can take months to complete.

And, in case you think they are faked in some way, head to his Instagram feed for "making of" photos and videos. These are the real deal, folks. In fact, he's so good that he evens adds hidden Easter eggs, like his initials, in the finished pieces.

Take a look at these timelapse videos he created:


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