Thursday, 17 October 2019

Turkey's Erdoğan"threw" Trump's threatening letter "in the bin"

After greenlighting Turkey's invasion of Kurdish-held Syria and evacuating U.S. troops to make it possible, Trump realized Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was making a fool of him and sent a bizarre letter his way. The letter promised to destroy the Turkish economy, saying "Don't be a tough guy. Don't be a fool!" and "Lets work out a great deal!", and containing various other vulgar Scorsese-esque threats. Erdoğan, reports the BBC, "threw it in the bin" and proceeded with his invasion of Kurdish lands.

In a rare bipartisan rebuke, 129 members of the president's Republican Party in the House of Representatives joined Democrats to formally denounce the move in a vote on Wednesday.

The joint resolution, which also called on President Erdogan to immediately cease military operations against Kurdish-led forces, was voted in by 354-60.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also held an apparently explosive meeting with President Trump on the issue, which led to her and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer walking out of the room.

Republican leaders said Ms Pelosi's behaviour was "unbecoming"

What a perfect word for only woman at the table:

Here's the letter again, in all its deranged black comedy.


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