Monday, 16 December 2019

This adjustable travel pillow lets you sleep your way on the go

If you fly coach, you know that even a short jaunt can seem like an eternity, especially if it's during the wee hours. Cramped quarters and awkward, upright chairs can make sleep almost impossible no matter how many jackets and mini-pillows you stuff under your neck.

If you fly even a couple of times a year, it's well worth investing in a decent travel pillow. And the CORI Travel Pillow is one of the best of the bunch.

Why you might ask? It all comes down to design.

A travel pillow should be more than just a bit of fluff in a tiny case. The CORI is actually three pillows in one: There's a pair of mini-pillows (one long, one short) made of soft-responsive memory foam. Then there's a plush fabric strap that an accommodate both pillows lengthwise - or in any configuration you need. That means you can stack them to fit your shoulders, neck or back at pretty much any angle.

The strap also makes it incredibly portable. You can even wear the thing as a mini-scarf if you like.

The CORI Travel Pillow is now more than 20% off the retail price for the holidays.


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