Monday, 24 February 2020

A new blog post series exploring the history and import of cyberpunk launches on Adafruit

This morning, I launched a new series of posts that I'm going to be writing on Adafruit on the history of cyberpunk science fiction and how it has evolved, how it has influenced culture and technology, what it got right (and wrong) about the near future in its fictional speculations.

In 1992, I wrote a post on The Well BBS entitled “Is there a cyberpunk movement?” The post was an attempt at summarizing what cyberpunk was, both as a literary genre, and how its depictions of near-future worlds were imploding onto the present of early 90s high-tech nerd culture (hackers, gamers, industrial/electronic music, tech artists, and cyberpunk zine publishers).

Apparently, the post struck a nerve as it quickly spread beyond the confines of The Well, was dubbed a “cyberpunk manifesto,” and ended up in the pages of Mondo 2000 magazine, Rudy Rucker and Mondo 2000’s book The User’s Guide to the New Edge, and as lyrics on Billy Idol’s 1993 record, Cyberpunk (but those are all stories to be told here later in the series).

The text of my post is a little dated, but here’s the gist of what I was trying to encapsulate:

* In a cyberpunk world, global megacorporations are more powerful than governments.
* Individual hackers and “high-tech low lifes” can wield disproportionate amounts of power within cyberspace and beyond.
* The new “stage” for the human drama has shifted from the “real world” to a virtual one, one inside our networks and our minds. The new frontiers for human society–technology, art, culture, and warfare– have moved into cyberspace.
* The “street finds its own uses for things” (Gibson). In a tech-saturated world, high-technology becomes folk technology, is present at every level of society and culture, and ends up being used in ways its creators never could have foreseen.
* We are all becoming cyborgs. Our technology daily grows smaller and smaller, ever closer to our person, and soon it will disappear inside of us.
* “The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet” (Gibson) — how rapidly stratifying economic and class divisions are creating a post-human world where the survival advantages of high-technology and bleeding edge science are only available to the rich and powerful.
* The world is splintering into a trillion subcultures with their own beliefs, languages, and lifestyles.

In the early 1990s, this was all considered “15 minutes into the future” (as Max Headroom put it), but as you can see, this chillingly describes a lot of the world we’re living inside of now. Which brings us to another hallmark of cyberpunk: dystopianism — dark and broken worlds where individuals and small tribes of like-minded rebels and “blanks” eek out an existence below the radar of reigning corporate authoritarianism.

Read the rest here. Look for new posts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Coming on Wednesday: "How We Ended Up Living in 'Cyberspace'."

Image: Screencap from my own 1991 Beyond Cyberpunk! project (w/Peter Sugarman, Mark Frauenfelder, Jim Leftwich, and many contributors), an attempt at gathering together cyberpunk art, literature, and media and the burgeoning real-world cyberculture of the early 1990s into an huge interactive electronic book (created in HyperCard).


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