Ever wondered where tartan comes from? Now you know: the tartan sheep of Auchingarrich. Glenn Check:
A Scottish farmer at Auchingarrich Wildlife Centre fools tourists into believing that her flock produce tartan wool with the help of some harmless sheep marking spray. The visiting Americans were told that the animals were being raised on a diet of Irn Bru and shortbread"
More from The Scotsman:
Maxine Scott, 62, used her skills with a spray-can to brighten up ewes April and Daisy. She puts up a sign pretending the sheep turn that colour naturally and the wool then used to make tartan wool for kilts and blankets. Maxine said: “When we got the park, they always had tartan sheep. It was just for the tourists. “We just continued the tradition. The public do like it - Americans are really impressed by them.