Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Harbor, a castellated abbey for the rich to flee the pandemic

Harbor.im is a California "retreat" for rich people to escape the coronavirus pandemic. Ride out the crisis while enjoying daily yoga and breathwork, pool parties and COVID-19 testing "when available" in a beautiful west-coast locale! Get "the most fulfilling experience" of the pandemic without getting closer than 6ft to another human being! Shared rooms start at $3000 per month!

The image is from this $895-a-night AirBNB listing, so hopefully this is a dark Poe-esque joke.

UPDATE: Not a joke. Yikes.

After the coronavirus forced Jay Jideliov to send all the employees of his company, Callision, home to work, he began pondering how he would cope with a period of indefinite isolation in his Los Angeles home.

Jideliov’s answer was to create what he describes as a “virus-free retreat” called Harbor, which will house around 33 guests—paying several thousand dollars a month—in a luxury villa away from Los Angeles so that they can wait out the pandemic as a group. Guests will be screened for Covid-19 before being admitted so that they can freely participate in open mics, fireside chats, daily yoga and parties without worry of infection. “No masks required,”


Harbor is a luxury 2-month retreat in California, focused on weathering the storm during the global COVID-19 pandemic.


Social distancing is great for flattening the curve, but is not the only option to stay safe (and keep others safe) during the time of crisis. Harbor is a community of makers, thinkers, and doers that can become your sanctuary. Harbor will give you an opportunity to meet, mingle, and collaborate with some of the brightest, forward-thinking individuals - no facemask required.


The villa is located in Southern California, and the exact location will be provided to the program participants once they are accepted.

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